Erin Kyan

Erin Kyan, with his cat, Boop.

Erin Kyan is a cheerful force of nature with a zest for art and efficiency. Queer, trans, fat and disabled, all these facets of his experience inform his work and drive him to build a world and artistic practise that’s kind, intersectional, and accessible.

Erin fell into podcasting in 2016 when he decided to try his hand at audio drama, and he fell in love with the many parts of production and the medium itself. With no one to stop him, he is now on a quest to build a strong foundation for the fiction podcast industry in Australia, one based on community and inclusion rather than competition.

A writer and speaker who turns his attention to many different media, including outside of podcasts, Erin performs original spoken word pieces during performing arts festivals, consults and speaks on panels about disability and queer issues, occasionally writes small interactive fiction games, and publishes personal and visceral poetry zines.

You can learn more about Erin via his website,

Lee Davis-Thalbourne

Lee Davis-Thalbourne is a gentle cat lover with a penchant for statistics and data.  With a careful attention to detail and a love of sharing information, he is committed to introducing creators to the possibilities of audio and helping them on their way.

Lee fell into podcasting via Erin pulling him along, but once there found a deep love of voice acting and production, and bringing unique and desperately needed perspectives into the ears of listeners.  With seven billion people in the world, Lee wants to do his part in sharing those seven billion stories.

Lee has been helping out behind the scenes in many productions and demonstrations over the years (both live and digital). Love and Luck was the first production where he took a more central role in production, and he took on his first showrunner position with Supernatural Sexuality with Dr Seabrooke.


Lee Davis-Thalbourne with his cat, Tribble.